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Teachers’ Learning to Teach ─ Introducing Feiman─Nemser’s Concept of Four Phases
作者 郭玉霞
本文旨在介紹、評述費門南施(Sharon Feiman─Nemser)所提出的教師學習教學的四階段說。費氏將教師學習教學的過程分成四個階段:進入師資教育之前的階段、職前教育階段、引介階段、以及在職階段。以第一階段來說,師資教育學者通常忽略了教師在進入師資教育之前,在學校已看過一萬小時以上的教學,他們已內化了所看過的教學方式。在職前教育階段,主要的問題有二 ,一是知識基礎的問題,二是教學實習的問題。引介階段指的是教師進入教職的第一年,這一年是關鍵年,不只決定教師是否繼續留在教職,也決定了他們未來的教學型態。在職階段包括兩個子階段:鞏固階段與精熟階段,教師在職教育可以從兩個角度來作安排,一是重視教師個人的需要,二是從學校整體來著手,二者之間相輔相成。費氏的四階段說對我國師資教育的啟示如下:第一、師資教育學者宜重視教師在進入師資教育之前所接受之教學印象的影響;第二 、加強師資教育課程間的連貫性,以及培養準教師們作判斷、決定的能力應是我國未來師資教育努力方向;第三、我國目前已開始重視教師的引介階段,並安排部分的輔導措施,其他相關的輔助措宜開始規劃進行;第四、教師在職教育宜由教育行政單人位、學校、及教師三方面共同策畫、執行,才能兼顧教師個人與學校整體的需要。\
This paper is aimed at introducing and commenting on Sharon Feiman─Nemser’s concept of four phases of teachers’ learning to teach. These phases include:the pretraining phase, the preservice phase, the induction phase, and the inservice phase.As to the pretraining phase, teacher educators often neglect that preopective teachers have already observed teachers’ teaching for over ten thousand hours before they entered the teacher education programs. They internalized the observed teaching styles. In the preservice phase, there are two major problems:the formal knowledge an student teaching experience. The induction phase coincides with the first year of teaching. This year is a critical phase which decides not only whether teachers’ will stay in their position but also their teaching styles in the future. Inservice phase includes two stages:th consolidation stage and the mastery stage. Basically, there are two perspectives on how to design inservice education programs. One perspective focuses on the individual teacher;and the other looks at schools as a context for teachers’ learning. These two perspectives are both needed and reinforced by each other.The implications of these four phases are:first, teacher educators have to pay attention to the informal, long─term impact from the school experience that teachers had before they entered the teacher education programs;second, it is essential to strengthen the coherence among teacher education courses and cultivate teachers’ capacity of decision─making and judgment;third, although we have noticed the importance of the induction phase and have begun some facilitating arrangements, related strategies have to be implemented as soon as possible. Finally, the inservice teacher education programs had better be designed and administered jointly by three parties:administrative units, schools, and teachers themselves. By way of their cooperation and coordination, the needs of both teachers and schools could be satisfied.
起訖頁 33-42
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 199306 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 脊估計法在徑路分析上之應用
該期刊-下一篇 大陸地區小學語文低年級習作內容之探討




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