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Rhinocerotid remains from Middle Siwalik Subgroup of Northern Pakistan
Rhinocerotid remains from Middle Siwalik Subgroup of Northern Pakistan
作者 Muhammad Hanif (Muhammad Hanif)Naureen Rana (Naureen Rana)Muhammad Akbar Khan (Muhammad Akbar Khan)Muhammad Asim (Muhammad Asim)Muhammad Adeeb Babar (Muhammad Adeeb Babar)Sayyed Ghyour Abbas (Sayyed Ghyour Abbas)Zaman Gul (Zaman Gul)Qudeer Ahmed (Qudeer Ahmed)Khalid Mehmood (Khalid Mehmood)
A recent expedition in the Potwar Plateau of Pakistan has yielded dental material of three rhinocerotid species Chilotherium intermedium, Alicornops complanatum, and Brachypotherium perimense. The material came from the Nagri and Dhok Pathan formations of the Middle Siwalik Subgroup in Punjab, Pakistan. These specimens are good addition to provide additional morphological characters that show information about the variations in dental characters of theese already recorded species and contribute to recent work on Rhinocerotidae from the Middle Siwalik Subgroup of Pakistan. The studied remains of these three rhinocerotids species whose remains are relatively low in the Middle Siwaliks are good paleontological contribution with some more detailed work suggested here to understand about these genera. Presence of these Siwalik rhinocerotids indicates diverse habitats from forest to savanna environments.
起訖頁 205-216
關鍵詞 AlicornopsBrachypotheriumChilotheriumMiocenePaleontologyPerissodactylaPotwar Plateau
期數 202306 (68:2期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 Subaerial cyanobacteria on the monuments and exterior surface of building facades of Odisha state, India
該期刊-下一篇 Vascular epiphytic community along elevational zone in sub-tropical forest ecosystem




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