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Subaerial cyanobacteria on the monuments and exterior surface of building facades of Odisha state, India
Subaerial cyanobacteria on the monuments and exterior surface of building facades of Odisha state, India
作者 Smruti Mahanandia (Smruti Mahanandia)Lakshmi Singh (Lakshmi Singh)
Subaerial cyanobacteria on exterior surface of monuments and building facades have great importance under extreme conditions to enhance their colonization and diversity. Work was undertaken to assess the cyanobacteria diversity of Western Odisha especially concerning to monuments and building facades, and their comparative analysis. In total fifty subaerial cyanobacterial taxa belonging to 21 different genera of five orders were documented. Out of these 19 taxa were documented as new distributional records from the subaerial habitats of Odisha. Morphologically, 50% of taxa were filamentous heterocystous forms, followed by 26% colonial forms and 24% filamentous non-heterocystous forms. Diversity analysis revealed that cyanobacteria diversity was relatively higher in building facades rather than the monuments which may be resulted due to variation in substrate composition and exposure to climatic factors. A comparative distributional analysis of so far documented cyanobacteria from various subaerial habitats of Odisha revealed a habitat specificity is observed among the cyanobacteria from the monuments which represent biofilms with less common taxa.
起訖頁 193-204
關鍵詞 Subaerial biofilmsbuildings and stone monumentscyanobacteria diversitydiversity indices
期數 202306 (68:2期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 Study of dormancy breaking and factors affecting germination of Parapholis incurva (L.) C.E.Hubb. as annual grass
該期刊-下一篇 Rhinocerotid remains from Middle Siwalik Subgroup of Northern Pakistan




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