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A New View of ‘Hong Xian’(raw Fresh) in the verses of “Hong Xian Zhong Ri You(紅鮮終日有)” and “Hong Xian Ren Ri San(紅鮮任霞散)”of Du Fu
作者 簡錦松
The people of Tang Period liked to eat raw fish and fresh vegetables, especially Du Fu(杜甫) enjoyed sliced raw fish,the word of Hong Xian(raw Fresh) in his verses of 「Hong Xian Zhong Ri You(We have sliced red raw fish every day :紅鮮終日有)」 and 「Hong Xian Ren Ri San(Fresh red raw fish was put down like as the red cloud in the morning:紅鮮任霞 散)」 is sliced raw fish, we call it sa-si-mi(魚膾,生魚片). All of the old annotations on the poems of Du Fu did not get exact interpretations. This article certifies the meaning of the word of Hong Xian(Raw Fresh) on the bases of the facts that Du Fu likes to eat sliced raw fish which I had got through my study '' On-site Studies of Tang Poems”(唐詩現地硏 究法) and on the bases of the meaning of the terminology 「Hong(紅)」and 「Xian(鮮)」 which were used by other poets of Tang Period and the ways to use authentic precedent expressions in the poems of Du Fu.
起訖頁 83-113
關鍵詞 杜甫詩紅鮮魚膾生魚片唐詩現地研究法Du Fu poemssliced raw fishHong Xian(紅鮮)On-site Studies
刊名 中正大學中文學術年刊  
期數 201106 (17期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 被遺忘的漢學者:近代日本崎門朱子學者內田周平學思探析
該期刊-下一篇 從元代詩法著作論李商隱詩在元代的接受情形




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