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The Belief of Shennong in the Flow of Vietnamese Culture
作者 王氏紅楊俊英
Worship of Shennong is not only seen everywhere in Vietnam, but also a common phenomenon in China, Taiwan, etc., but it has different characteristics in each country. This article looks into folk tales and custom recorded in Sino-Nom documents to study the belief of Shennong in Vietnam. Furthermore, this article compares the Shennong beliefs of the above countries with each other, to have a better understanding of the local culture of each country as well as the culture exchange and beliefs between them. The concept of Shennong not only exists among the people in Vietnam, but also the feudal dynasties also attached great importance to the sacrifice of Shennong. According to research shows that this belief is related to the period of King Hung, and it is also a political understanding of the initial process of the formation of the country. In Vietnam, the Shennong sacrificial ceremony is a traditional festival which expresses the respect for the farmers and reflects the mentality of worshiping to the gods of nature in the early days. In the process of cultural exchange, there are similarities and differences between the worship of Shennong in Vietnam and surrounding countries. There are also differences between human civilization and national civilization, and the belief in offering sacrifices to Shennong is an obvious example.
起訖頁 99-123
關鍵詞 越南的神農信仰文化交流本地文化傳說風俗Shennong belief in Vietnamcultural exchangelocal culturelegendcustom
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202306 (81期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣「人間佛教」之承傳與開展──從證嚴法師是否為「印順學派」探討起
該期刊-下一篇 興安省憲天后宮設立家族與數量考察




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