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Touring, Cherishing Lives, Expressing Sentiments: A Study on the Meaning of Imagery Regarding“Fishery Observation”in Song Poetry
作者 顏智英
“Fishery Observation”was the ritual of Zhou Sovereign for the purpose of worship. After Zhou Dynasty, there had been no official record of ethnic Han emperors“observing fishery”apart from Taizu of Later Liang, Emperor Yang of Sui, Jingzong of Tang, and the first two emperors of Song, which was likely a result of Han people’s prioritization of agriculture over fishery. Nevertheless, as fishery developed in a vigorous manner during Song dynasty and Song poetry is more narrative and closer to daily life than Tang poetry, although it became a forbidden area for the emperor, and it became a trendy activity among litterateurs and the gentry. There were over a hundred poems on“fishery observation”(mainly writings on fishery), far exceeding the number of such poems (5) in Tang poetry. This paper analyzed and summarized into three meanings of imagery, and it shows more specific and diverse descriptions of fishing affairs than Tang poetry, and more profound and rich emotional expressions. From the perspectives of oceanic culture, ideology, and studies in poetry on objects, we can see the unique spiritual outlook of rationalism, sophistication, optimism, realism and innovation of the literati in the Song Dynasty.
起訖頁 33-68
關鍵詞 宋詩觀漁游觀惜生抒懷Song PoetryFishery ObservationTouringCherishing LivesExpressing Sentiments
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202306 (81期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論《群書治要》對《三國志》的筆削與取義
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣「人間佛教」之承傳與開展──從證嚴法師是否為「印順學派」探討起




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