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The effective integration of problem-based learning in apprentice coaching - A case study of physical education curricula in technical colleges
作者 蔡國權
This study aims to investigate the design and implementation of college PE curriculum, and to propose strategies for improvement. The research focused on the volleyball classes of a university of science & technology in Hsinchu. Based on his teaching experience in physical education, the researcher integrated Problem-based Learning with Apprentice Coaching in the design and implementation of volleyball class curriculum. "Students' Attitude Scale toward Volleyball Classes" and "Questionnaire Survey of Students' Opinions toward PE Courses" are used to assess the curriculum design and implementation effectiveness, the investigation is conducted on the researcher's teaching of volleyball for the last five years, based on in-depth evaluation and self-reflection. During the period, strategies for improvement have been adjusted to better curriculum design and implementation. The concepts of Problem-based Learning and Apprentice Coaching are embedded in the curriculum to achieve balance between theory and practice and to upgrade college PE courses, in the design and implementation of the curriculum, the freshmen of volleyball elective classes are divided into two groups. Problem-based Learning and Apprentice Coaching are integrated in the classes of the experiment group, whereas the classes of the control group are conducted in the traditional teaching mode. After comparing the implementation results of the two groups, conclusions are given as follows: 1. Integration of Problem-based Learning with Apprentice Coaching is proved suitable for the design and implementation of sports courses on college level. 2. The implementation of the integration of Problem-based Learning with the Apprentice Coaching is proved more effective than traditional methods. 3. Students in the experiment group show more positive attitude toward PE classes, based on the conclusions above, this study puts forth prescriptive suggestions for the design and implementation of sports courses in universities of science and technology.
起訖頁 33-65
關鍵詞 師徒制問題導向學習運動課程設計實施成效apprentice coachingproblem-based learningsports curriculum designimplementation effectiveness
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202305 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 深化備觀議課內涵以促進教師分享式專業對話之研究
該期刊-下一篇 大學教師EMI 專業發展及其實踐效益:以一密集EMI 工作坊為例




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