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An Inquiry of Deepening the Activities of Lesson Preparation, Classroom Observation and Post-teaching Debriefing to Facilitate Teachers to Engage in Shared Professional Dialogue
作者 劉世雄陳怡君 (Yi-Chun Chen)
Teachers maintains several doubts regarding open classroom for peer teacher observation. Even though teachers have conducted the activity of peer teacher observation, they could not deeply inquiry teaching practice during dialogue. This study aimed to inquiry a model of lesson preparation, classroom observation and post-teaching debriefing to effectively facilitate teachers to engage in shared professional dialogue and further explored key elements during teachers’dialogues. This study adopted a method of collaboratively action research approach. The participants included five teachers from a compulsory education advisory group, a group of teachers from a primary school, and a professor from a teacher education university. During the research processes, the activities of the model were conducted two times. This study collected the data regarding classroom observation and recording with video, and eight times of semi-structured interviews. Several informal interviews were used to confirm the results of data analysis as well as researchers’reflections. This study found that some meaningful ways that easily formed a common issue and facilitated teachers’discussions, including an individual plan on lessons before collective lesson preparation, observation focuses on students’difficulties on learning rather than teachers’behaviors, and observing the same student objects, Moreover, participating teachers were more willing to share and self-reflection on professional knowledge when they identified the supports from the members of the compulsory education advisory group and also perceived the value of the aforementioned model on professional development. The advisory teachers played the roles of demonstrators, professionals, supporters and further facilitated teachers’identification with open classroom for peer teacher observation. The aforementioned conditions were key elements to facilitate teachers to engage in shared professional dialogue.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 公開授課共同備課課後議課分享式專業對話協同行動研究open classroom for peer teacher observationcollective lesson preparationpost-teaching debriefingshared professional dialoguecollaboratively action research
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202305 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 問題導向學習融入師徒制對科技大學運動課程設計與實施成效之研究




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