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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Investigating the Factors on Mathematics Career-Choice Intentions with the Social Cognitive Career Theory |
作者 |
余民寧 (Min-Ning Yu)、趙珮晴 (Pei-Ching Chao)、陳嘉成 |
中文摘要 |
本研究參考社會認知生涯理論的選擇模型與興趣模型,建立影響學生選擇數學職業意圖的因素結構關係模型圖,以Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study(簡稱TIMSS)2003 年國中生資料驗證之,試圖探究影響國中學生在選擇數學職業意圖的因素。本研究發現,在社會認知生涯理論的興趣模型方面,「數學學習興趣」受「數學結果期待」、「數學自我效能」的直接影響,而「數學成就」則是產生間接影響;至於社會認知生涯理論的選擇模型方面,「選擇數學職業意圖」受「數學結果期待」、「數學學習興趣」的直接影響,而「數學成就」、「數學自我效能」則是產生間接影響。上述潛在結構並無性別差異存在。最後,本研究亦根據研究結果,提出在教育實務應用與未來繼續研究上的建議。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate impact factor on mathematics career-choice process used TIMSS dataset of Taiwan 8th grade students. The interest development model and career choice model of social cognitive career theory (SCCT) used to establish a latent variablemodel. The results showed, concerning interest development model, math outcome expectations & math self-efficacy had a direct effect on math learning interests but math achievement had an indirect effect on. As to career choice model, math outcome expectations & math learning interestshad a direct effect on math career-choice intentions but math achievement & math self-efficacy had an indirect effect on. The above-mentioned hadn’t sex differences in math career choice process.Finally, some conclusions and suggestions for practice applications and future researches were suggested and proposed. |
起訖頁 |
177-201 |
關鍵詞 |
社會認知生涯理論、國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查、結構方程式模型、選擇職業意圖、social cognitive career theory、TIMSS、structural equation modeling、career-choice intentions |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
201009 (55:3期) |
出版單位 |
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臺灣高中教育資源管理均等性之評估 |
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自我概念與父母教養方式對臺灣都會區高中生偏差行為之影響 |