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Learning effects on the sports competency and competitive rules of students in volleyball with soft volleyball and the sport education model
作者 劉兆達
本研究目的應用不同材質排球及運動教育模式於排球課程中,探討學生在排球運動技能及排球比賽規則之學習成效,對象為某科技大學111學年度第1學期選修排球課程之學生共計53人,方法採用單組前測-後測設計及訪談法等,工具有排球比賽規則測驗、排球對空低手擊球測驗、排球發球測驗、半結構式訪談大綱等,資料分析包括描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定、質化分析及三角檢核等。研究結果指出:一是應用運動教育模式於排球課程中,能提升學生對空低手擊球及發球之學習成效(t=-7.01;t=-3.59,p<.05)。此外,可以提升低技能組及高技能組學生在對空低手擊球能力之學習成效(t=-5.55;t=-4.32,p <.05),提升低技能組學生發球能力之學習成效(t=-3.77,p<.05),但無法提升高技能組學生在發球能力之學習成效(t=-1.90,p >.05);二是應用運動教育模式於排球課程中,能提升學生排球比賽規則之學習成效(t=-6.06,p<.05)。此外,可以提升低技能組及高技能組學生在排球比賽規則之學習成效(t=-5.82;t=-2.96,p <.05)。結論:應用運動教育模式於排球課程中,可以提升學生在排球對空低手擊球、發球及比賽規則之學習成效,建議未來可以繼續採用運動教育模式於大學排球課程中。此外,軟式排球適合初學者,其具有材質輕、球體大、安全性高等特色,且不易造成手腕紅腫及疼痛,可以提供給初學者作練習之用,提升其排球對空低手擊球之學習成效。
The purpose of this study was to explore the learning effects on the sports competency and competitive rules of students in the volleyball course with the soft volleyball and the Sport Education Model. The participants were 53 collegial students engaged in the 111-1 volleyball course at a university. Methods were the single group pretest-posttest design, and interviews. The instruments were the volleyball competitive rule testing, low-hands hitting testing and serving testing of the volleyball, and semi-structured interview outlines. Those data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, dependent t-test, qualitative analysis, and triangulation. The results were as follows: (a) The learning effects on low-hands hitting and serving of students with Sport Education in the volleyball course were significantly improved (t=-7.01;t=-3.59,p<.05). In addition, the learning effects on low-hands hitting of the lower skill level students and the higher skill level students were significantly improved (t=-5.55;t=-4.32,p <.05). The learning effects on serving of the lower skill level students were significantly improved (t=-3.77,p <.05), but they of the higher skill level students were not enhanced (t=-1.90,p >.05). (b) The learning effects on the volleyball competitive rules testing of students with Sport Education in the volleyball course were significantly improved (t=-6.06,p<.05). In addition, the learning effects on the volleyball competitive rules of the lower skill level students and the higher skill level students were significantly improved(t=-5.82;t=-2.96,p <.05). In conclusion, the learning effects were improved on the low-hands hitting, serving, and competitive rules of students with the Sport Education Model in the volleyball course. It advised that the Sport Education Model could be continuously applied in the university course. In addition, the soft volleyball was suitable for the beginners of the volleyball course, and it had those characteristics such as being light, big, safe, and without pain on the wrist. It can improve the learning effects on low-hand hitting of students in the volleyball course.
起訖頁 47-62
關鍵詞 體育課運動排球規則不同角色比賽Physical EducationSportRules Of VolleyballDiverse RolesCompetition
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202309 (19期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 大專校院運動員教練領導行為與領導效能知覺之研究




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