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A Study on the Motivations of Parental Support and Participation in the National Community Student Baseball Tournament
作者 謝豐宇 (Feng-Yu Hsieh)陳志成 (Zhih-Cherng Chen)王士豪
The purpose of this study was to explore the status of parental support and participation in the National Community Student Baseball Tournament and analyze the differences in parental motivation for participation across different personal background variables. The study focused on parents of participants in the 112th National Community Student Baseball Tournament. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey, with a total of 316 questionnaires distributed and 307 valid responses collected. The research tool used was the ''Research Questionnaire on Parental Support and Participation Motivation in the National Community Baseball Tournament.'' Statistical analysis included independent samples t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Scheffémethod for post-hoc comparisons.Results:1) Background of participating students' parents: Among parents of participating students, the majority were male, had two children, were employed in the service industry, held degrees from vocational colleges or universities, and had an average monthly income of over 50,001. Among the participating students, the eldest child was most common, with an average of 4 to 6 baseball games played per month, and participation in the North region was the highest.'' 2) There were no significant differences in parental support and participation motivation across different background variables ( intellectual motivation, social motivation, mastery motivation).Conclusion: This study found that parents of participants in the National Community Student Baseball Tournament attach great importance to each dimension of support and participation motivation. Organizers should focus on all dimensions in event and activity planning to meet parents' expectations.
起訖頁 11-24
關鍵詞 學生棒球家長支持能力掌握動機智力動機社會動機Student BaseballParental SupportMastery MotivationIntellectual MotivationSocial Motivation
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202309 (19期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 跆拳道品勢高麗型兩段側踢標準與典型錯誤動作之研究
該期刊-下一篇 大專校院運動員教練領導行為與領導效能知覺之研究




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