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Reviewing Cadastral Investigate and Expecting Innovation
作者 盧鄂生
Things in the world, if they are congenitally unhealthy and acquired disorders, all diseases will be reborn. If there is no way to save it, the disease will be terminally ill, and those who encounter it will be difficult to escape as if they are caught in dire straits. For the more than 1,000 cadastral surveyors who are still serving in various local land administrative offices today, if the quality of the cadastral map data is low, the control points of the map are completely lost, and the cadastral notice is unavailable for some reason, I don’t know if they feel empathy. I have observed that for a long time, the quality of the working environment of the land affairs office is definitely one of the key factors affecting the retention of surveyors. The quality and completeness of the cadastral map data preserved by the land administration office is the most critical factor affecting the quality of the working environment. This is the problem that affects the work confidence of the surveyors, and it is also the core problem. Other improvements such as the adjustment of working hours and the increase of salary and benefits are actually non-core items that are a drop in the bucket, and far away water cannot save near fire.
Firstly the main content of this article is to ask three questions, first, where is the original cadastral investigate note table? second, where is the cadastral investigate regulation? third, where is the fundamental problem of cadastral investigate? Secondly, analyze and discuss the characteristics of the border mark. Finally, I will illustrate the countermeasures with the strength of evidence, recover, and immunity. In the end, I put forward my humble opinions and expectations, so as to inspire everyone to give me advice, and arouse everyone's attention, and shouted ''rescue cadastral investigation'' at the same time.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 地籍測量地籍調查土地標示經界標示cadastral surveycadastral investigateland noticeboundary notice
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 202309 (42:3期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-下一篇 現代化垂直框架與水準測量




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