英文摘要 |
This article delves into the impact of economic development on the decisions of the Communist Party of China (CPC) regarding the selection and alteration of members within provincial-level Party standing committees. The study investigates how the CPC leverages its authority in personnel management to bolster local governance. By analyzing an exclusive dataset encompassing CPC provincial-level standing committee members from 2012 to 2022, this article assesses the repercussions of provincial economic growth on the adjustment of Party members within provincial-level standing committees. Specifically, the study examines the proportion of members appointed by the central government and the proportion of members holding doctoral degrees. The findings of the research indicate that a province with a lower economic growth rate tends to witness an increase in the percentage of its CPC standing committee members who have prior experience working within the central government before their current appointment. Additionally, a lower economic growth rate corresponds to a higher percentage of standing committee members possessing doctoral degrees within provincial-level CPC standing committees. Furthermore, the research also reveals that, in comparison to Xi’s first term, during Xi’s second term, the CPC significantly decreased the number of central officials dispatched to provincial governments while simultaneously promoting more officials with doctoral degrees to positions within Party provincial-level standing committees. Additional analysis suggests that in provinces with a higher representation of standing committee members originating from the central government, the likelihood of Xi Jinping conducting an inspection tour to that province diminishes. This observation suggests that personnel management serves as a compensatory measure for Xi’s direct inspections. This article not only contributes comprehensive research to deepen our comprehension of central-local relations within the Xi era but also establishes a foundation for future studies investigating how the central government strategically employs personnel management to enhance local governance during Xi’s third term. |