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An Optimization Network Model for Tail Assignment with Aircraft Maintenance Considerations
作者 陳俊穎蕭筑云許芳瑜
In recent years, most airlines of Taiwan have expanded their fleets. Therefore, the complexity of planning issues related to the number of aircraft has increased. Many scheduling problems highly related to profitability have been discussed in the past. However, there are few relevant studies on the issues of tail assignment that are a downstream part of the scheduling problem. If an airline with a larger fleet does not consider system optimization when assigning aircraft, it may either waste resources or even misjudge and mismanage resources. Therefore, our research adopts point of view of the system optimization and takes into account the condition that all flight duties are served. Our objective is to minimize the aircraft underutilization rate in light of flight duties continuity and aircraft maintenance schedule. We employ network flow techniques and mathematical programming to construct an optimal tail assignment model. Finally, numerical tests and sensitivity analyses are performed using the data associated with a certain airline. After preliminary evaluation, the test results of this study turned out to be positive.
起訖頁 353-375
關鍵詞 航機指派航機檢修網路流動技巧數學規劃Tail assignmentAircraft maintenanceNetwork flow techniquesMathematical programming
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 202309 (35:3期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 以開放資料探究新冠疫情對臺北捷運旅運量之影響




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