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Karma and Rebirth in the ''Gaoseng Zhuan''
作者 丁敏
The Gaoseng Zhuan (Memoirs of Eminent Monks) was written by Huijiao during the Liang dynasty (502-557 A.D.). Amongst this collection are included the biographies of An Shigao (安世高), the most important translator of Buddhist texts into Chinese during the later part of the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 A.D.), and Boyuan (帛遠), a noted scholar-monk during later years of the Jin dynasty (265-420 A.D.). In both of these biographies the death stories hinge on the concept of retribution for karmic actions performed in a past life. In this paper I propose that this concept is used as a means of explaining their tragic deaths. It also serves to illustrate the doctrines of transmigration and karma, and to provide compelling evidence for the imperishability of the soul or mind (神靈), a fiercely debated topic at the time. In this paper I compare the concept of karma and rebirth as presented in these two biographies with the concept of rebirth as described in the Indian Buddhist scriptures, as well as its correlation with the Liuchao Zhigui (六朝志怪). I then go on to show how these descriptions of karma and rebirth in the Gaoseng Zhuan are a composite of the concepts found in the Indian Buddhist scriptures and the Liucliao Zhigui. I conclude by showing how this way of presenting the doctrine of karma and rebirth reflects the adaptation of early Buddhism to Chinese culture, and how it was related to the keen interest in marvels and wonders (異) which were prevalent during the Six Dynasties.
起訖頁 273-296
關鍵詞 高僧傳安世高帛遠畢宿對六朝志怪Gaoseng ZhuanAn ShigaoBoyuankarmaLiuchao Zhigui
刊名 中正大學中文學術年刊  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 永明延壽的修行析論:以有關朝暮二課的陀羅尼為主
該期刊-下一篇 歡喜心,游戲筆:李漁「游戲神通」的理念內涵與精神內蘊




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