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中正大學中文學術年刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Analysis of the Daily Practice of a Buddhist Yong-Ming Yian-Shou Particularly in Dawn and Evening Practices in the Case of Dharani
作者 王翠玲
This article is to study the Buddhist daily religious practice of Master Chan Yian-Shou (延壽禪師, 904-976AD) who was a famous Master Chan (禪師), particularly based on his work ”Zi-Xing-Lu” (《自行錄》)in which eleven lessons were regarded to the early morning and evening practice relating Dharani (陀羅尼) and mantra (真言). Usually Zi-Xing-Lu was a kind of special Buddhist written work and seldom seen in Chinese Chan master s. This was because that they hardly wrote down their daily lives in detail unless in Biographies of higher rank Buddhist (《高僧傳》) as well as individual masters. Therefore, Zi-Xing-Lu written by Master Chan Yian-Shou provided more information about how Chinese Buddhists went on their religious practices on the base o f daily life, such as the mind, target and method of Buddhist. It also can be a kind of primary resources to study the development of Buddhism after it entered China and trends o f Chinese Buddhists religious practices. Especially, their Buddhist religious practices in early morning and evening and could be compared with that of later Chinese dynasties.
起訖頁 247-272
關鍵詞 永明延壽自行錄陀羅尼真言Yong-ming Yian-shou (永明延壽)Zi-xing-lu (自行錄)Dharani (陀羅尼)mantra (真言)
刊名 中正大學中文學術年刊  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 僧肇的至人觀及其修學歷程
該期刊-下一篇 《高僧傳》中前世今生「畢宿對」的敘事模式與意涵




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