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The Chronicle of Wu Yi
作者 陳鴻森
Wu Yi (1745-1799) was a celebrated scholar who led a legendary life. Having passed the final imperial exam in the 45th year of Qianlong’s reign (1780) and been simultaneously conferred the title of Jinshi in the same year, Wu was not appointed to a county magistrate until the 56th year (1791), when he took the magistrate’s office in Boshan of Shandong province. As soon as his term started did Wu establish local schools, and initiate a reform of manners. His term was abruptly ended 7 months later for he ran into conflict with Qianlong’s powerful but debauched courtier He Shen. Tall and robust, Wu nevertheless accomplished a delicate scholarship in a book discussing the problems of punctuation in the classics, Jingdu kaoyi. It was the first work of its kind in the Chinese history. Although evidential studies were originated from Jiangnan where most fine scholars of this expertise came from, Wu mastered the scholarship as meticulously as the Jiangnan literati, despite himself being born in Henan in northern China. His Qunjing yizheng, Sanli yizheng and Jingdu kaoyi were also highly regarded and were collected into the series of Huangqing jingjie. Besides, Wu was one of the pioneers in epigraphy studies in Henan where, as the cradle of the ancient Chinese civilization, preserved many monuments or inscription stones. A great number of stone inscriptions were made known to the world because of Wu’s effort on rubbing. In addition to reproducing and circulating the inscriptions, Wu’s accomplishment in evidential studies was only comparable by Qian Daxin at his time. In sum, Wu was an important scholar during the Qianjia reign, despite being generally overlooked by modern historians. By composing various materials into a chronicle of Wu, this paper calls for attention from modern historians to Wu’s scholarly accomplishments.
起訖頁 477-574
關鍵詞 武億年譜乾嘉學術金石學Wu YichronicleQianjia scholarshipepigraphy
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201409 (85:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 明代「軍竈籍」考論




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