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中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Textual Research on Augural Records from Wangshan Chu Bamboo Slips Manuscripts
作者 袁國華
In the winter of 1965 at Jiangling in Hubei Province more than 270 bamboo strips, including fragmentary ones, of the late Warring States period were discovered at the tomb of Wangshan. The content of the Bamboo inscriptions in tomb 1 falls under the category 'Augural Records', which record divination and sacrificial activities. Owing to the difficulties lying within the verifications of ancient Chinese characters, some of the cases are worth studying. Basing himself on the past publications such as, 'The Research on Chu Bamboo Slips of Warring States period', 'The Chu Bamboo Slips from Wangshan' and 'The Collections of Chu Bamboo Slips of Warring States Period' and etc., the author finds that there are still different voices on four such cases. 1. The character '□', formerly as '棏', should be transcribed as '相'. 2. The character '□', formerly as '見', should be transcribed as '得'. 3. The character '□', formerly as '□', should be transcribed as '□' . 4. The character '□' should be transcribed as '乇', which is an erratum of '卜'.
起訖頁 307-324
關鍵詞 望山楚簡卜筮祭禱簡相□不得福文字考釋Chu Bamboo Slips from Wangshanaugural records相□不得福verifications of ancient Chinese characters
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200306 (74:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 釋吝──兼論楚簡的用字特徵
該期刊-下一篇 元朝怯薛輪值史料攷釋




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