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The Study of the Effect of Supervisees' and Supervisors' Gender and Level of Support on Perceptions of Satisfaction of Supervision, Supervison-Willingness and Self-Efficacy of Supervisees
作者 黃政昌吳麗娟 (Li-Chuan Wu)
An analogue research design was used to examine the effect of supervisees' and superior's gender and level of support on satisfaction of supervision, willingness to be supervised and supervisee self-efficacy. Four experimental video tapes were recorded to depict a "male supervisor with low support", "male supervisor with high support", "female supervisor with low support", and "female supervisor with high support". A total of 50 counselors-in-training (i.e. supervisees) who were all graduate students in counseling psychology participated in the study. Seventeen of the supervisees were males and 33 were females. Each participant watched all four supervison video tapes. After watching the tapes, they completed "Satisfaction of Supervision Inventory", "Supervison-Willingness Inventory", and "Self-Efficacy In-ventory" to obtain a measure of outcome of supervision. The data obtained was analyzed by a three-way repeated MANOVA and ANOVA. The results showed that: I . Male and female supervisees have no significant difference in gender preference for supervisor. II . There is significant interaction effect be-tween supervisees' gender and level of supervisor support on satisfaction of supervision , supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy. Further findings indicate that: (1) In the low-support condition, male su-pervisees rated their satisfaction of supervision , supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more posi-tive than female supervisees; However, no significant difference was showed in the high-support condi-tion. (2) Both male and female supervisees in the high-support condition rated their satisfaction of su-pervision, supervison-willingness, and self-efficacy as more positive than in the low-support condition. III . There is significant interaction effect between supervisors's gender and level of support on satisfaction of supervision and supervison-willingness. Further findings indicate that: (l) In the low-support condition, both gender of supervisors had no significant difference in supervisees rating their satisfaction of super-vision and supervison-willingness. On the other hand, in the high-support condition, supervisees rated the female supervisor as more positive than male supervisor. (2) In the high-support condition, super-visees rated both male and female supervisors as more positive than in the low-support condition on satisfaction of supervision , satisfaction of supervision and supervison-willingness. IV. Supervisors' gen-der and level of support didn't have impact on supervisees' perceptions of their own self-efficacy.
起訖頁 87-119
關鍵詞 準諮商員自我效能性別督導滿意度督導員genderself-efficacylevel of supportsupervisorSupervisees
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 199804 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 序列分析在諮商歷程研究的應用-以兩組諮商個案為例




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