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Sequential Analysis Applied to Counseling Process Research: Two Cases Study
作者 林瑞吉劉焜輝
本研究應用序列分析進行兩組諮商個案(同一位諮商員分別對兩個當事人進行諮商晤談)的八次諮商晤談中諮商員和當事人口語反應模式、工作同盟與晤談感受關係的考驗。在研究過程中,兩組諮商個案之八次諮商晤談過程全程錄音,並轉錄成晤談逐字槁,以Hill et al. (1981)之諮商員/當事人口語反應模式類別系統進行諮商員和當事人的口語反應模式之歸類;並於每次晤談後,請諮商員和當事人分別填寫「工作同盟量表」、「晤談感受評量問卷」兩種問卷。所有資料以序列分析、Pearson積差相關與多元迴歸等統計方法進行各項分析與考驗。本研究的研究結果發現: 1.諮商員在兩組諮商個案中對不同當事人所使用的口語反應模式雖有不同,但可看出諮商員在諮商歷程中口語反應模式的使用情形似乎有其特定的型態出現。2.兩組諮商個案之當事人均主要使用描述、簡單反應與經驗口語反應模式,且經過八次諮商晤談的參與後,開始對於問題或經驗有較清楚的瞭解與覺察,但口語反應模式使用的情形仍有很大的差異。3.在個案一中諮商員若緊接著當事人簡單反應之後,使用提供訊息的口語反應模式,將會減弱當事人簡單反應的使用;而諮商員使用輕微鼓勵的口語反應模式,則會增強當事人描述的使用。而在個案二中諮商員使用重述的口語反應模式,會增強當事人簡單反應與描述的使用;諮商員使用反映的口語反應模式,亦會增強當事人描述的使用。4.兩組諮商個案中,諮商員和當事人工作同盟的變化與認定的一致性有很大的不同;且諮商員和當事人晤談感受的變化與認定的一致性也有很大的不同。5.兩組諮商個案中,有許多諮商員和當事人口語反應模式互動類型與工作同盟有顯著的關係;且有許多諮商員和當事人口語反應模式互動類型與晤談感受有顯著的關係。而兩組諮商個案中,不同的諮商員和當事人口語反應模式序列類型在不同諮商個案中,對於工作同盟與晤談感受有不同的影響。6.本研究發現工作同盟在諮商過程中不僅是諮商關係的核心,也是預測諮商效果的重要指標,更是諮商員口語反應模式使用的有效性之中介影響因素。最後根據本研究的研究結果,研究者分別針對序列分析在諮商實務的應用與未來研究二方面提出幾點建議。
The purpose of this study are to investigate the counselor's and client's verbal response modes, their verbal interaction patterns, their agreements on working alliance and session impact, the associtions among working alliance, verbal response modes and session impact.Two cases of counseling with the same counselor would be tested by sequential analysis. Each counselor and client dyad received 8 counseling sessions. All counseling sessions were taped. After each session, the participants independently compeleted WAI and SEQ. The major findings were as follows: 1. For counselor response modes, counselor vernbal response modes have special patterns in 8 counseling sessions. 2. For client response modes, clients primarily used description, simple response, and experiencing. But two clients' verbal response modes still have some differences. 3. As for counselorclient verbal interaction patterns, counselor exhibited information following client's simple response would decreased client's simple response, and counselor's minimal encourager would reinforce client's description on the 1st case. Counselor's restatement would reinforce client's simple response, and description, and counselor's reflection would reinforce client's description on the 2nd case. 4. Counselor-client agreement on working alliance of the 1st case was very high, but on the 2nd case was low. Counselor-client agreement on session impact of the 1st session was very high, but on the 2nd case was very low. 5. Many counselor's and client's verbal interaction patterns with working alliance have significant relations. Besides many counselor's and client's verbal interaction patterns with session impact have significant relations. 6. Working alliance was the core of counseling relationship, the prediction of the counseling outcome, and the median in-fluential factor of counselor verbal response modes used effectively. Suggestions for sequential analysis on the counseling research and future research were given.
起訖頁 49-86
關鍵詞 口語反應模式晤談感受序列分析工作同盟verbal response modessequential analysissession impactworking alliance
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 199804 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 青少年事故傷害自我效能量表的二階驗證性因素分析與多组不變量統計考驗
該期刊-下一篇 準諮商員性别、督導員性别及支持程度對準諮商員知覺督導滿意度、接受督導意願及自我效能之影響研究




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