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Commentary on China's Axis Breakthrough and Its Historical Processand Comments on ''Heaven''(天)in the Context of Confucius’
作者 徐士賢
China's Axis Breakthrough and Its Historical Processis considered as the last publication on related topicsof Dr. Yu, Ying-shih(余英時1930-2021). Therefore when I started reading this article on June 22nd, 2014, I put many notes on it. While reading Yu’s article I was invited to be a visiting scholar of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NTU.As a result, continually reading the entire article was impossible. Few months later when I finally finished reading it, I found that Dr. Yu's article is rich in meanings and very thought-provoking. To recommend his research, I want to give a detailed introduction of it in this paper. But still there are some parts in Dr. Yu's article I could not agree with, I also put forward different opinions as further discussions here.
The main difference between my opinion and Dr. Yu's theory is that I found ''Heaven'' (天) in the context of Confucius cannot be ruled out as some kind of life. From this view point, it is natural to consider that it’s indeed as Dr. Yu quoted from Jaspers’(1883-1969) theory that Confucius’understanding and thinking of Universe and life have jumped into a new level. But what more important and should be pointed out is that one aspect of the specific content of ''axis breakthrough'' of Confucius is transforming the polytheistic beliefs of the original Witch Culture into monotheistic beliefs, only he did not expressly disobey the people in his era. This highlights Confucius image as a ''moderate breakthrough one ''.
Dr. Yu reiterated his views on the main difference between Chinese and Western thoughts in this article as well. He believed that the former is introverted transcendence, while the latter is extroverted transcendence. He also discussed the reasons for saying so. At the end of this paper I put forward the corresponding ''dissenting opinions'' which are on the basis of Dr. Yu's discussion.
起訖頁 121-149
關鍵詞 余英時〈中國軸心突破及其歷史進程〉孔子語境中的「天」原始巫文化溫和突破者內向超越外向超越Yu, Ying-shih(余英時1930-2021)China's Axis Breakthrough''Heaven''(天)in the Context of Confucius’original Witch Culturemoderate breakthrough onemain difference between Chinese and Western thoughts
刊名 人文社會學報  
期數 202307 (23期)
出版單位 世新大學人文社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 憂世、憂生之辨:劉熙載詩品說外延探論
該期刊-下一篇 啟「蒙」後——席慕蓉故土鄉愁書寫與《英雄時代》




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