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The Influence of Orientation on the Housing Price
作者 鄭雅云陳奉瑤
Feng Shui is a broad and profound knowledge, orientation is also one of Feng Shui factors. This study discusses the importance of residential property orientation by Hedonic Model Prices in Taipei city. The results show that south-facing house is positively related to the property price. On the other hand, west-facing house has an inverse relationship with price. The impact of west-facing is greater than that of south-facing, which indicates that home buyers are more concerned about the negative impact of west-facing. This paper speculates that this may be due to the fact that feng shui of south-facing is still generally popular in modern times and can increase residential property prices by as much as 1.4 percent, and high-priced south-facing property are 30.9% more expensive than lower-priced ones, while the negative effect of west-facing is still strong enough to reduce property prices by 4.9 percent and increase prices of high-priced property by 25.3 percent compared with low-priced ones.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 不動產價格風水座向特徵價格模型Feng ShuiHedonic Pricing ModelHousing PriceOrientation
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 202307 (34期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 不動產預售制度的政策變遷──基於兩岸視域下的間斷均衡理論、比較法學及主題演化




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