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Tracking Study on the Employment Status and Salary Level of WorldSkills Competitors in Taiwan
作者 張仁家鄭慶民劉煥郁周韶珍
我國自1970年參加國際技能競賽(WorldSkills Competition),每屆皆有優異的競賽成績。為使我國人才培訓及國內產業能持續與國際技能接軌,勞動部每兩年皆會選出約40 位國手參加國際技能競賽,這些國手者多為技職校院學生,回國後大多繼續投入學校學習後再進入職場。為了解我國國手在經過國際技能競賽的洗禮後,其優異的技術能力與同學門畢業生相比,是否能帶來更好的職涯發展與薪資表現。本研究以勞工行政資料進行就業追蹤調查,比較2010-2017年度的國手畢業生和同學年同學校同學門畢業生之勞退提繳薪資、投保時間長短、投保類型等就業狀況差異,樣本數分別為175人次和90,243人次。研究結果有以下發現:1.國手經歷並非在初次求職時全然具有加分效果,此外,大多數企業在聘用新人時,也不會以國手經驗作為薪資調整的主要考量;2.長期而言,與同學年同學校同一學門的畢業生相比,國手的提繳薪資普遍會相當甚至高於同學門畢業生,國手經歷對於未來就業薪資的幫助,經過時間的醞釀更為明顯;3.在經過企業的能力評估後,多數企業對國手的在職表現有正向回饋;4.藉由各學門的待業時間統計可發現,國手畢業後找工作和每次轉換工作所需的時間多較同學門畢業生短,即國手更容易找到工作。
Our country has been participating in the WorldSkills Competition since 1970 and has achieved excellent results in every competition. To keep our country's talent training and domestic industry in line with international standards, the Ministry of Labor selects about 40 national players to participate in the biennial international skills competition, and then they enter the workplace. The purpose is to understand whether the excellent technical abilities of our country's national players, acquired through international skills competitions, can lead to better career development and salary performance compared to graduates of the same discipline. This study utilized labor administrative data to conduct an employment tracking survey, comparing employment status differences, such as labor retirement salary, insurance period, and insurance type, between national graduates from 2010-2017 and their peers who graduated from the same school and year, with a sample size of 175 and 90,243, respectively.The research findings are as follows: 1. National players' experience does not give them an advantage when applying for a job for the first time, and most companies do not consider it as a key factor for salary adjustment when hiring new employees. 2. Over time, national players tend to earn equivalent or even higher salaries than their peers who graduated from the same school and same discipline in the same year. The beneficial effects of national player experience on future employment salaries become more apparent as time passes. 3. Most companies give positive feedback on the on-the-job performance of national players after conducting company ability assessments. 4. Statistics on the duration of unemployment among graduates indicate that it takes national players longer to find and switch jobs after graduation compared to their non-national player classmates. However, this also means that national players are more likely to secure a job.
起訖頁 43-61
關鍵詞 國際技能競賽國手就業薪資水準職涯發展WorldSkills CompetitionNational ChampionsEmploymentsalaryCareer Development
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 202306 (25:1期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 探討臺灣遠洋漁業勞動者權益與職業安全衛生保護




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