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The Travelling of the Knowledge about“-ism”Pamphlet and Anarchism in Sichuan around the May Fourth Movement
作者 李世鵬
New thoughts began to take shape in Sichuan as new forms of knowledge were introduced after the May Fourth Movement, and“-ism”became embedded in the everyday life of locals. The popularity of anarchism in Sichuan owed in no small part to the“pamphlets”(xiao cezi). New youths in Sichuan became anarchists through the process of reading. For them, anarchism not only challenged their intellectual underpinnings but also stimulated their action. It is worth noting that the anarchism as was popularized in Sichuan after the May Fourth Movement is different from the anarchism as a political philosophy doctrine. Many of the Sichuan“anarchists”. were not well-versed in anarchist thoughts. However, that inarticulacy did not prevent them from founding societies and mobilizing resources to disseminate anarchism. With their efforts, the knowledge of“-ism”traveled throughout Sichuan and eventually formed a network for the communication of anarchist thoughts. The history of the dissemination of anarchist knowledge in Sichuan after the May Fourth Movement is a process of the“localization”of the new culture.
起訖頁 213-256
關鍵詞 五四四川無政府主義小冊子閱讀May Fourth MovementSichuananarchismpamphletsreading
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 202006 (18期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 漢晉之際「君臣一體」論發微
該期刊-下一篇 1920年代韓國天道教集團的「文化」觀念──以《開闢》雜誌為例




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