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A Study on Visual Analysis of Online Peer Assessment Data
作者 陳采秀
Learning assessment is an important part of teaching practice, and the analysis and presentation of data are particularly important. This study aims to explore the data of student peer assessment and related learning assessments through visual analysis. The research objects were 40 general education students who completed the ''Globalization and Contemporary Society'' course. Data was collected through a course platform (Tranclass) and Google Forms, allowing students to conduct online peer assessments of group reports for mid-term and final assessments based on grading criteria. Each student had to evaluate each group and then the data was averaged. This study used the business intelligence analysis software Tableau to analyze the interactive situation of the assessment data. From the view results of various data analysis, it is clear that visual analysis of student peer assessment data can quickly and clearly obtain analysis results and the distribution status of the data, as well as compare the data before and after, such as the scores for mid-term and final assessments, and the scoring situation of students of different genders. This research is helpful for the analysis of large amounts of learning process data for cross-departmental students who take general education courses. Finally, it is recommended to establish a common agreement and consensus at the beginning of the term, so that students are clear about the peer assessment criteria and can implement them, which is the core key success factor for the application of visual analysis and the implementation of online peer assessments.
起訖頁 161-182
關鍵詞 Tableau軟體教學實踐視覺化分析網路同儕互評學習評量tableau desktopteaching practicevisual analysisonline peer assessmentlearning assessment
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202305 (4:3期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 文化部推介之優良圖畫書中生命教育的內容分析(2010-2019)
該期刊-下一篇 「合作問題解決」教學策略之研究




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