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Spatial and Temporal Change of Heat Stress and the Relationship with Land Use Pattern
作者 陳姿伶林子閎林弘
氣候變遷所衍生的極端事件受世界各國所重視,其中極端高溫的頻率與強度逐年增加。熱島效應的提出乃係針對都市與郊區於溫度、濕度、雨量等差異致都市地區顯著高溫,歸因於都市地區綠地空間的缺乏、人口過度集中、建成環境密度增加等。隨著都市發展進程型態的轉變,人口與建成環境將會集中於中小型都市或是都會區外圍地區,顯示都市與鄉村地區的界線隨著都市化的進程逐漸改變。過去的熱島效應分析通常傾向於關注靜態的地表溫度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)空間分佈特性,惟隨著都市發展型態的改變,「城鄉連續帶」空間發展特性潛在影響熱島效應的空間分佈。是以,本研究嘗試應用遙測觀測法,使用中解析度成像分光輻射計(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, MODIS)資料並應用空間自相關分析初探地表高溫跨時空變遷特性,進一步應用普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Square, OLS)、空間延遲模型(Spatial Lag Model, SLM)和空間誤差模型(Spatial Error Model, SEM)等3個模型研析土地利用型態與地表高溫間之關聯性,並比較建成環境中土地利用型態對於地表溫度上升的影響。研究結果顯示臺北都會區有明顯的高溫擴張趨勢,此外,SLM的空間模型於解決空間異質性較佳,成為3個模型中解釋性最佳的模型。另外,研究結果顯示交通路網與建成地區的土地利用型態整體對地表溫度有影響之外,地表高溫現象會隨著混合使用之土地利用的面積提升有加劇的現象。
Global climate change has intensified extreme disaster events and the increasing frequency and intensity of heat stress have received attention worldwide. Urban heat islands have been identified from variations of moisture, rainfall, pollutant, temperature and wind speed in urban and rural areas, resulting from the lacking of open green space, over-dense population and increasing density of the built environment. Because of changes in urbanization progress, the scale and pattern of urbanization may have changed from previously, with most of the population aggregating in small-scale or medium-scale built environments. Therefore, advanced urbanization has changed the boundary of urban and rural areas. Previous studies focused on the static spatial distribution of land surface temperature (LST), while continuous urban and rural areas might potentially change the distribution of heat island effect. Hence, this study applies spatial autocorrelation analysis to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) exploring the spatial and temporal change of heat stress. This study then applies 3 models namely Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Spatial Lag Model (SLM) and Spatial Error Model (SEM), to explore the spatial relationship between land use pattern and heat stress and to further analyze the impacts of land use pattern on LST in built environment. Analytical results reveal a significant expansion of heat stress in Taipei metropolitan area. In addition SLM best solves the problem of spatial heterogeneity, and is thus the most interpretative model among the three models. Overall, both traffic network and the building use indeed raise LST, and mixed use significantly intensify LST.
起訖頁 129-157
關鍵詞 極端高溫中解析度成像分光輻射計空間自相關分析空間落遲模型空間誤差模型Heat stressModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)Spatial Autocorrelation AnalysisSpatial Lag ModelSpatial Error Model
刊名 都市與計劃  
期數 202306 (50:2期)
出版單位 中華民國都市計劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 都市因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益──特刊序
該期刊-下一篇 「街區開放空間」之氣候變遷規劃綜效與共效益──建物重建對主次要道路之驅動




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