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Trust in Chinese Government and Assessment of the Possibility of Cross-Strait Armed Conflict among the Electorate in Taiwan
作者 陳陸輝 (Lu-Huei Chen)
This study employs telephone interview data of“Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study”(TEDS) conducted in March 2022 to analyze the level of political trust in mainland China among the electorate in Taiwan. In addition, the study aims to predict the likelihood of a military conflict between mainland China and Taiwan by utilizing a predictive model.
This study compares the factors that influence people’s trust in the Chinese government in March 2014 and March 2022. It shows that people’s partisan affiliation, stance on reunification and independence issues, and their Taiwanese/Chinese identity have significant impacts on their level of trust in the Chinese government. During President Ma’s administration, people’s satisfaction with his management of Cross-Strait relations was positively correlated with their level of trust in the Chinese government. However, in March 2022, two variables were found to be negatively correlated during President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration. This study also demonstrates that the higher people’s trust in the Chinese government, the less likely they are to believe that China will launch an attack on Taiwan. Moreover, when people perceive Cross-Strait relations as a priority issue for Taiwan, they are more likely to believe that China will attack Taiwan. Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022, the situation in Taiwan has become increasingly precarious. Following U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the People’s Liberation Army conducted military exercises against Taiwan, further escalating tensions across the Strait. Therefore, public opinion surveys can provide valuable insights into the degree of trust in the Chinese government among the Taiwanese public, as well as the potential impact on their expectations of a possible war. By examining public perceptions of the Chinese government, policymakers can gain a better understanding of the evolving Cross-Strait dynamics and develop more effective strategies to manage potential conflicts.
起訖頁 69-92
關鍵詞 兩岸關係武力衝突政治信任總統滿意度Cross-Strait RelationsArmed ConflictPolitical TrustPresidential Approval
刊名 中國大陸研究  
期數 202307 (66:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 中國統戰的類型化分析:兩岸歷史紀錄(1925∼1998)的耙梳
該期刊-下一篇 說好什麼中國故事?從2012∼2022年習近平的外交講話看中國外交論述內涵與轉變




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