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Footnotes in Japanese Historical Writing: the Evidence of the Shigaku zasshi
Footnotes in Japanese Historical Writing: the Evidence of the Shigaku zasshi
作者 千田稔
The Shigakukai (Historical Society of Japan) was founded in 1889 with a monthly bulletin, Shigakukai zasshi, published by Daiseikan大成館; in 1892, the publication was renamed Shigaku zasshi, and the publisher changed to Fuzanbō冨山房. The inaugural issues of the journal carried contributions from Shigeno Yasutsugu重野安繹, Kume Kunitake久米邦武, and others in the Japanese history department at Tokyo Imperial University. Issue five saw the participation of Ludwig Riess (1861-1928), a visiting professor at Tokyo Imperial University, and former student of Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886) at the University of Berlin.
起訖頁 59-66
刊名 古今論衡  
期數 200307 (9期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Openings in the American Historical Review
該期刊-下一篇 區域信仰的變遷:廉溪中游的漢人宗族與天主教的傳播




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