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Gu Xian Cheng’s Rewrite of The Great Learning and Theory of“Investigation of Things”- A Debate on the Investigation of Things of Gu Xian Cheng and Gao Pan Long
作者 侯潔之
In an attempt to quell the late Ming “Investigation of Things” that had been the subject of so much controversy, Gu Xian Cheng rewrote the text as clarification. In contrast to Zhu Zi’s Investigation of Things supplementary, he enriches the study of the nature of things with an explanation of “knowing the nature” and “self-cultivation”, and then highlights the eight categories of “things have their origin and end” and integrates the three principles as a general principle of study method, prescribing the direction of “investigation” and integrating it into the fundamental work of returning to the nature of things and supreme goodness within. In this way, the importance of knowing a thing’s nature is established, and the connotation of “Investigation of Things”, which is based on “Illustrating illustrious virtue” and “affectionate to the people”, is the most distinctive feature of his interpretation of The Great Learning. Since Gu Xian Cheng wanted to grasp the essence of things, “things” refers to the mind that can change according to the nature, which is used to know the whole world, so he opposed the “investigation of the little things in nature”; Gao Pan Long wanted to grasp the connection between mind and matter, and his “things” also covers the concrete existence of the world of experience, so he affirmed “investigation of the little things in nature”. Gu and Gao’s argument on the investigation of things mainly comes from the differences of opinion on the unity of things and oneself. Even though Gu Xian Cheng later ceased to restrict the path of investigating of the nature to only the inner study, his basic stand that “the investigation of things is only the identification of the nature of trivial things” remained unchanged.
起訖頁 77-117
關鍵詞 顧憲成高攀龍格物大學明明德Gu Xian ChengGao Pan LongInvestigation of ThingsThe Great LearningIllustrating Illustrious Virtue
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202303 (80期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 李公佐及其小說撰作試探
該期刊-下一篇 從牢山海印寺到基隆海印寺:詩僧本際法師的生命追尋與歸宿




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