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You Can’t See the Truth from the Opposite, but You Know Yourself from Cognition - Analysis of Zhuang Zi’s“Transformation of Things”from the Interpretation and Translation of“Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly”
作者 李宗定
The fable of “Zhuang Zhou dreams of being a butterfly” comes from Zhuang Zi (莊子 ) Chapter Two: “Discussion of the Equality of Things”( 齊 物論 ). Most of the interpretations of later generations focus on the distinction between fiction and reality in the fable. The last two sentences in the fable “Zhou and butterfly, there must be a difference between them, which is called the Transformation of Things(物化).” It shows that the two are different. That being the case, why there must be a difference between both of these? Since Zhuang Zhou and Butterfly must be different, so how do they “transform”? Guo Xiang(郭象) distinguished Zhuang Zhou from the butterfly with “satisfying my own thoughts,” and said “Yesterday’s dream has disappeared today.” He interpreted “Transformation of Things” as the demise of things. Cheng Xuan Ying(成玄英) directly denied the original text and said “Transformation of Things” as the natural change of things with “life and death are the changes of things.” Their annotations influenced the later generations, contemporary interpretations, and English translations. This article believes that “Discussion of the Equality of Things” clearly refers to the great enlightened man who knows the great dream, and the implication that Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly must have a part is that the butterfly is a “dream” and Zhuang Zhou is a “awareness”. Butterfly and Zhuang Zhou seem to be indistinguishable in the dream, which is the “change” of all things. The process of waking up from the dream is a training to forget oneself, which is the “digestion” of the body. As for waking up from a dream, Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly are divided into two, which is the “evolution” for the improvement of the realm. The relationship between all things and me is change, digestion and evolution, which is “Transformation of Things”. These three meanings are in the fable of “Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly”.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 莊子莊周夢蝶齊物論物化詮釋Zhuthe Equality of Things”Transformation of ThingsInterpretation ang ZiZhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly“Discussion of
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202303 (80期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 李公佐及其小說撰作試探




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