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Research on the Conservation and Reuse of Industrial Cultural Heritage–A Case Study of LongChang Flour Mill
作者 陳沛悌王文敏
隨著全民對於產業文化資產保存概念的提升,以及世界性古蹟保存組織和遺產組織積極地倡議之下,產業文化資產再利用逐漸為人所關切。彰化隆昌製粉廠位在鹿港台糖小火車站旁,建造於日據時期,是鹿港獨特的產業文化資產。本研究以深度訪談法針對產、官、學界及當地耆老進行訪談,採用 NVivo7 軟體將訪談資料加以整理分析。得知隆昌製粉廠自日據時代創始,至民國六十年停止運作,目前已轉讓他人,新經營者將進行文化資產再利用。隆昌製粉廠的有形文化資產包括紅磚造建築物、磨麵粉機和小火車站;無形的文化資產則包括歷史產業的文化特色及其興衰。新經營者將保存原有的建築遺址與文化,未來營運規劃包括:與鹿港結合、創造經濟利益、多元化行銷、永續經營。本研究並依分析結果提出討論與建議。
With the concern from the industrial cultural and the promotion from the world heritage preservation organizations, the reuses of industrial cultural heritage become popular in recent years. The Changhua Longchang Flour Mill, which was next to the Lugang Taiwan Sugar Railway Station and was built during the Japanese occupation period, is a unique industrial cultural heritage of Lukang. In this research, in-depth interviews are conducted with local senior citizens and officers from industry, government, and academia. The software NVivo 7 is used to organize and analyze the data. The results shows Longchang Flour Mill was founded in the era of Japanese occupation and closed in the 1960s. The factory was transferred, and the new operator is willing to reuse this cultural heritage. The tangible cultural heritage of Longchang Flour Mill include the red brick buildings, flour mills and small railway stations, and the intangible cultural heritage include the cultural characteristics of historical industries and its rise and fall. The new operator will preserve the original architectural heritage and culture. The future operational plans include the integration with Lukang, creation of economic benefits, diversified marketing, and sustainable operations. Based on the results of the analysis, forward discussions and suggestions are proposed.
起訖頁 169-186
關鍵詞 產業文化資產再利用文化觀光鹿港Industrial Cultural HeritageReuseCultural TourismLukang
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202306 (11:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 芳香療法體驗行銷對顧客滿意度與購買意願之影響分析
該期刊-下一篇 後疫情現場演唱會再訪意願之調查




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