英文摘要 |
This article aims to examine whether a business group’s industry diversification strategy will affect the business group’s earnings management approach, and whether industry experts’ audit knowledge and techniques pertaining to specific industries can have a spillover effect on the business group’s audits given that industry specialist auditors have higher audit quality than general auditors. This study also further divides the overall industry diversification of business groups into related and unrelated diversification to determine if different earnings management options arise when the internal composition of business groups focuses on the operating strategy of specific minority industries. Empirical results show that when overall industry diversification or unrelated diversification is relatively high, a business group is less likely to adjust earnings downward through negative discretionary accruals, and is less likely to use real earnings management. However, during an industry specialist audit a higher degree of unrelated diversification may lead to more downward earnings manipulation, which is constrained by high-quality audits conducted by industry experts. Consequently, earnings cannot be adjusted upwards through accruals and need to be switched to real earnings management which incurs higher business cost. Interestingly, industry specialist auditors can inhibit business groups with high degrees of related diversification from implementing real earnings management under relaxed credit conditions. This demonstrates the spillover effect resulting from industry specialist audit techniques for specific industries. Additionally, this finds that other analysis exhibit spillover effects when audited business groups face high financial risk or when an auditor has a long tenure. We hope that the empirical findings of this study will contribute to literature on industry specialist auditors in business groups and provide guidance for future related research. |