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Unpacking the Black Box: The Taiwan and Indonesia Relationship in the Cold War (1949–1971)
作者 林平林東余 (Dong-Yu Lin)
Conventional studies on the Cold War concentrate on the competition between leading countries. They argue that small to medium countries had no role other than to choose which countries to take side with. This article, mainly based on previous studies and the newly declassified archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in ROC, displays the diplomatic ability of small to medium countries (Taiwan and Indonesia) in the Cold War.
This study’s findings on the pre-1965 Taiwan-Indonesia relationship basically concurs with the arguments of conventional studies. Both Taiwan and Indonesia associated little with each other because they allied with the US and PRC respectively. However, the G930 incident in 1965 provided Taiwan and Indonesia an opportunity to build up their relationship. Through negotiating a rice deal and UN membership in 1966–1967, Taiwan and Indonesia reached a certain level of mutual trust. Eventually, Taiwan exported rice to Indonesia in 1968 and Indonesia was absent or abstained in the four pro-PRC UN membership resolutions (2389, 2500, 2642, and 2758) in 1968-1971. Both countries also agreed to establish trade offices in Jakarta (1970) and Taipei (1971). The transformation of the Taiwan-Indonesia relationship after 1965 shows that small to medium countries had their own roles even in the period of the Cold War.
起訖頁 87-116
關鍵詞 稻米案聯合國會籍臺灣印尼冷戰Rice DealUN MembershipTaiwanIndonesiaCold War
刊名 亞太研究論壇  
期數 202012 (68期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心
該期刊-上一篇 馬來西亞當代咖啡消費文化的轉變:時代變遷下的檳城喬治市傳統咖啡店
該期刊-下一篇 緬甸在地非政府組織的相互連結:以「克欽邦與北撣邦人道援助參與策略」為例




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