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「問題」青少年? 俄羅斯青少年次文化分析
“Youth-as-trouble”? The Analyses of Youth’s Subculture in Russia
作者 邱瑞惠
英國伯明罕大學當代文化研究中心學者黑迪吉(Dick Hebdige)於1988 年關於青少年次文化重要的論文〈閃光燈下:對青少年的監視與展示〉(Hiding in the light: youth surveillance and display)中,將青少年次文化的呈現分為兩類-「問題青少年」(youth-as-trouble)與「享樂青少年」(youth-as-fun)。
本文探討俄國青少年次文化中「問題青少年」的層面,在這樣的層面中所造成的社會問題,尤其是煙草、酒精、毒品、及光頭黨的橫行,並分析青少年次文化團體(拜客族Байкеры、嬉皮Хиппи、金屬派Металлисты、龐克Панки、說唱族Рэперы、滑板族Роллеры、光頭黨Скинхэды、足球迷Футбольные болельщики)的特性,及其常用的俚語(сленг)。
The scholar Dick Hebidge of the Birmingham University Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies , at 1988 in an important youth subculture article “Hiding in the light: youth surveillance and display” characterized youth subcultures as “youth-as-trouble” and “youth-as-fun”.
Russian youth subculture demonstrates the image that Hebdige defined. The Soviet Union under the globalization tide, the capitalist economic system is swept across Russia, which made some of the Russian young people regard consuming as the most important thing in life (image “youth-as-fun”) ; and after the Soviet Union disintegrates, Russia's society rapid changes, Russian youth under the unstable political and economic situation, they resist major culture in order to seek the meaning of self-identity.
This paper focuses on the “youth-as-trouble” aspect in Russia, and social problems caused in such an aspect, especially tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and skinhead. And analyze the characteristic of Russian youth cultural groups (Байкеры, Хиппи, Металлисты, Панки, Рэперы, Роллеры, Скинхэды, Футбольные болельщики), and their commonly used slang.
起訖頁 125-149
關鍵詞 問題青少年青少年次文化團體俚語煙草酒精毒品光頭黨“youth-as-trouble”youth subcultural groupsslangtobaccoalcoholdrugsskinhead
刊名 俄語學報  
期數 200506 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學斯拉夫語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 俄國二十世紀20-30 年代文本的宗教意識研究




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