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Perception and Practice of Class Rules: Discussion on the Viewpoints of Teachers and Students of Elementary Schools in Taiwan
作者 余曉雯 (Hsiao-Wen Yu)
班規是學校師生在日日生活中的感知與踐履,承載著教師與學生的思考、解讀、詮釋與感受,並且也反映出教師深層的,對於教育、班級經營與學生角色的思考。本研究針對台灣五所小學師、生進行實地訪談。本研究以開放性的問題,聚焦在教師與學生對於班規的感知,以及班規在實際教室中的實踐狀況。研究發現中,針對三個面向加以分析:課室中真實被實踐的班級規範有哪些;這些規範如何產生與維護;班級中的師長與學生如何解讀班規的產生、內容、實行。此外,本研究也從班規作為一種規則的觀點,討論班規的內容與形式、訂定與特性、遵守與維護;亦將班規視為一種論述,剖析其所帶來的效應;並且針對學校中制訂班規時提出幾項具體的建議:1.重思班規之意義與必要;2. 讓學生參與規則之訂定;3.深入違規背後的因素。
Class rules are the perception and practice of school teachers and students in daily life. Class rules are the perception and practice of school teachers and students in their daily life. They carry the thinking, interpretation and feelings of teachers and students, and also reflect teachers' deep belief about education, class management and students' roles. This research conducted field interviews with teachers and students in five primary schools in Taiwan. With open questions, this research focuses on teachers and students' perception of class rules, and the practices of class rules in daily classrooms. In the research findings, three aspects are analyzed: what are the class rules that are actually practiced on campus; how these rules are produced and maintained; how teachers and students in the school interpret the process, content, and implementation of rules. In addition to presenting the views of teachers and students in the above three categories, this research also attempts to discuss the content and form, formulation and characteristics, compliance and maintenance f the class rules. And the effects of the rules are also analyzed based on the point of view of discourse. Finally, the study puts forward specific suggestions for the formulation of class rules in schools: 1. Rethink the meaning and necessity of class rules; 2. Let students participate in the formulation of rules; 3. Go deep into the factors behind violations.
起訖頁 175-210
關鍵詞 小學班規班級規範師生觀點class ruleselementary class rulesteacher-student viewpoints
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202303 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 動手做STEM學習歷程之記憶干擾初探
該期刊-下一篇 情境化的素養導向課程設計:以一所實施跨國合作專案課程的小學為例




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