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An Analysis of the Virtuous Circle in the Early Age of Korean Wave: from the Perspective of 'Neo-Developmental' Cultural Policy
作者 鄭鍾恩
在1997年選舉大勝後,布萊爾(Tony Blair)所領導的英國新工黨採取所謂「第三途徑」(the Third Way)的國家轉變計畫(state transformation project),強調英國必須轉型,其口號是全力將英國打造成「酷不列顛(Cool Britannia)」,此一建立國家品牌形象運動的核心就是發展以高附加價值的創意產業(creative industries)為軸心的創意經濟。同年,南韓也啟動類似的國家轉變計畫。本文主旨在論誰南韓以振興文化與創意產業為主的國家轉變計畫是其後型塑韓流(Korean Wave)的關鍵背景與動力。作者首先將闡述新發展文化政策在韓國興起成為新政策的原因與背景,然後再深入剖析何以此一新政策趨勢是直接促使韓流成為良性循環以及確保持續發展的理由。為此,作者面談了二十六位一生幾乎都奉獻在韓國文化政策的專家。此一聚焦於韓流早期發展的個案研究提供給東亞國家的政策制訂者與研究員具體的參考。
Many policy makers and researchers have shown deep interest in the 'creative turn' (Chung, 2012) in national cultural policy around the world which was initiated by the British New Labour governments (1997-2010). Indeed, the trend 'has had a remarkable take-up across many parts of the world' (Cunningham, 2009: 375), provoking such questions as 'how far can ''Creative Industries'' travel' (Wang, 2004)? Whatever their past histories or contemporary situations, many countries appear to have scrambled aboard the bandwagon of this new trend. Accordingly, the discourse on creativity has evolved into a 'doctrine' or 'credo', not only in the UK (Schlesinger, 2007), but also across the globe. It should be noted here that after a landslide victory in the general election in 1997, the then British new labour party pursued a distinctive state transformation project under the name of the Third Way.
起訖頁 31-63
關鍵詞 新發展主義文化政策韓國韓流英國
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 2016 (42期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 南韓與拉丁美洲經貿關係的特徵與挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 南韓與澳洲FTA談判的軌跡




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