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Discussion on the forthcoming Integration and Reform of External Service of the European Union
作者 陳勁
The European Union today faces global responsibilities and challenges. The EU is the largest trading block in the world, the largest donor of humanitarian and development assistance and a constant point of reference on stability, democracy and human rights. The European Commission plays a key role in the implementation of the EU's foreign and other policies, and in this matter, it relies heavily on its more than 120 Delegations and Offices around the World. Commission Delegations are being constantly strengthened so that EU external assistance can be delivered more rapidly and efficiently. With the signature of the new Constitutional Treaty, the EU will start working on the design of the future European External Action Service. The EU will exploit to the full strengths of all the actors involved - the Commission (including its Delegations), the Council Secretariat, and also the national diplomatic services of the Member States. There is a huge potential for the future European Union delegations to represent EU's external policy in the bilateral relations with third countries. This article intends to describe the forthcoming reform of the External Service of the Commission, focusing on the role and responsibilities of its Delegations and Offices, as well as on the relationships among EU delegations and the Member States.
起訖頁 45-84
關鍵詞 國際政治歐洲整合歐洲聯盟外交行政International PoliticsEuropean IntegrationDiplomatic ServiceEuropean Union
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 200607 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 西德因應德國分裂時期(1949-1990)之憲政安排
該期刊-下一篇 從「權力轉移」理論的動態觀點論中華民國嚇阻戰略




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