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The West German Constitutional-Political Arrangements for the Adaptation to the National Partition
作者 葉陽明
德西(建國後國名:「德意志聯邦共和國」)為了因應國家即將分裂,並保有日後德國統一的法理基礎,在美、英、法三國許可下,由波昂「立法會議」(Parliamentary Council)制定「基本法」(Grundgesetz),以此作為規範憲政民主秩序的根本大法。基本法的產生係源自戰後德國無法維持統一的特殊政治環境,是故該法雖為西德根本大法,卻具有一般主權國家憲法所沒有的特殊性。儘管如是,以基本法為依歸的憲政秩序確實完全符合現代西方國家憲政民主的基本原則。依據這部暫時性的根本大法之規定,德意志聯邦共和國為民主、社會的聯邦國。分裂時期的基本法序言及第146條明示西德追求德國統一與制憲的決心。第23條則為日後可能的統一完成前瞻性的鋪路工程。從實際功用來看,基本法為現代德國從分裂到統一提供了一條可行的應變之道。另方面,波昂共和透過聯邦政府體系內部專責機構的功能化以因應分裂局面。
In order to adapt the partition of German state and keep the eventual possibility for a German reunification, the West German ''Parliamentary Council'' legislated ''the Basic Law'', functioning as a constitutional democratic norms. The Basic Law originated from the postwar political environment, in which Germany could not retain national unification. For this reason, the Basic Law differs from the constitutions of sovereign states in general and has certain peculiarities. Nevertheless constitutional arrangements, which are based on the Basic Law, certainly correspond to the constitutional-democratic principles of the western countries. According to the Basic Law, the Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic social and federal state. Before the German reunification in 1990, the preamble and the article 146 in the Basic Law indicated the necessity of national unification and an all-German constitution. Moreover, the article 23 paves the way for a future reunification of Germany. Looking at the practical utility, the Basic Law arranges a practicable way for West Germany to adapt the special constellation during the partition to reunification process. On the other hand, the Bonner Republic tried to adapt the partition by means of institutional functions in the federal government.
起訖頁 11-43
關鍵詞 基本法德國分裂與統一兩德關係德國政策公共教育憲政安排The Basic LawGerman Partition and ReunificationRelations between Two German StatesPublic Education for DeutschlandpolitikConstitutional-political Arrangements
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 200607 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 全球化浪潮下的南方共同市場
該期刊-下一篇 歐洲聯盟外交行政架構整合及改革方案之探討




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