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Exploring the Contents Connotations and Organization Structure of Huang Zhongze's ''Sangha Tower''
作者 陳宣諭
Huang Zhongze's ''Sangha Tower'' demonstrates his vast knowledge of Buddhism and his skill in employing sophisticated literary allusions. Despite a seeming lack of organization, in actuality, the text is meticulously and precisely structured, clear, and smooth. First, author explores the source of the word of ''Sangha''. About the record of the ''Sangha'', it was first found in the inscription by Lee Yung of Tang dynasty. Then Li Bai and Su Shi had written the poems and articles to praise this Bhikku (monk). 《Biographies of Eminent Monks of Song Dynasty》 wrote down Sangha's miraculous stories, and he was regarded as the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Zhongze was very familiar with a biography of Sangha, and cleverly used the subject of ''Sangha Tower''. Hence, we try to analyze the organization structure of this poem from a rhetorical point of view, to discuss the underlying meanings. On closer inspection, this poem utilized the ''Narrative and Reasoning'' approach in the main structures, and used the ''Guests and Master'' method to compare ''Sangha'' and disciple, fragrant and stinky real body, and to construct a tower and to destruct a tower. Moreover, he used that the ''Overall expounding and Curved ending'' theory to conclude the tower of construction and destruction is karma (the union of causes and conditions) and out of the reach of human. Finally, this poem utilized the ''suppression and rising'' theory to strengthen the core idea of this poem, and to express the philosophy of Buddhist Zen meditation (Zazen).
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 黃仲則僧伽塔章法結構Huang ZhongzeSangha TowerOrganization structure
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202212 (35期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
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