中文摘要 |
在風場陸續完工商轉後,接下來20+5年維運階段,職業潛水團隊為水下維運重要角色,鑒於相關水下作業必須遵循全球風能組織(Global Wind Organization, GWO)及國際海事承包商協會(International Marine Contractors Association, IMCA)規範,迫使國內職業潛水技術士培訓及認證須與國際接軌。 本研究探討離岸風電發展成熟國家及國內外離岸職業潛水相關法規,以視訊或現場訪談國內離岸風電開發商、承包商及IMCA潛水監督與亞洲區執行長,共10個單位40位受訪者,目的在探討國內職業潛水人員現況與工作類型、國際接軌困境。因應疫情,每位受訪者訪談前先填妥問卷以節省訪談時間,並辦理兩場共計15位專家學者座談,針對文獻資料、訪談結果及建議進行探討分析。 結論:1.我國並無離岸風電水下作業規範,國內職業潛水技術士養成訓練之分級、時數及訓練內涵,與IMCA授權內容有相當落差;2.離岸風電產業人才國際接軌最大問題有廠商意願、語言、費用、國內法規及公司條件,最有效率作法應輔導優質承包商加入IMCA,優先進行有經驗潛水員國際認證,再進行培訓問題。建議: 1.培訓具外語能力潛水作業主管,以利培訓及外籍潛水員勞工衛生安全教育;2.與大專院校產學合作,培育國際化職業潛水人才。 |
英文摘要 |
When Taiwan offshore wind farm operating one after the other. Based on the average life cycle of turbines, there will be at least 25 years of maintenance and operation. The commercial diving teams are undoubtedly one of the most vital roles during the maintenance and operation period. Since all underwater operations must adhere to GWO and IMCA regulations, Taiwan’s commercial diving training and certifications must align with international standards. Our research analyzed the domestic and international laws and has conducted various interviews with domestic and international OWF(offshore wind farm). OWF employers, developers, contractors, as well as IMCA’s diving manager and Asia regional representative. A total of 40 interviewees from 10 different organizations were interviewed virtually and in person. The discussions were mainly focused on the domestic commercial diving industry situation and the difficulties in aligning with the international standards. Due to the pandemic, most interviewees chose to proceed with the interview virtually; therefore, each respondent was asked to complete a set of questionnaires before the interview to enhance the efficiency of the discussions. After that, two forums with a total of 15 experts and scholars were organized to discuss and analyze the research outcome and provide suggestions. The conclusions are 1. The experienced Taiwancommercial divers should be prioritized for obtaining IMCA certification, then only proceed with other training qualification. 2. The main problem of international conventions are contractor intention, language, cost, regulations and company condition. Government should encourage high quality contractor be IMCA member, promote experienced diver pass the certification courses to get certificated. We recommend 1. Start training bilingual local diving supervisors to be able for further training and HSE training for the foreign divers. 2. The government should cooperate with certain local universities to train the commercial divers that are recognized under international standards. |