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Conference Preparation From the Perspective of Naturalistic Decision Making―An Expertise Approach
作者 詹柏勻陳子瑋
會議口譯準備(conference preparation, CP)係確保口譯品質的關鍵要素,然而相關研究有限,且多為規範性論述,鮮少描述口譯員的實際準備過程。為使文獻更趨完整,本研究採自然決策(naturalistic decision making, NDM)研究典範,比較口譯專家、新手與生手之準備策略。自然決策研究以描述性觀點探究專家在自然、真實的環境之下,如何因應時間壓力等條件限制做出決策。故此,本研究欲檢視專家口譯在時間限制之下的會議準備策略,並與新手和生手進行比較。研究採觀察法與訪談等方式,邀請24位受試者(十位生手、六位新手與八位專家)於30分鐘之內利用電腦和簡報檔案準備口譯工作。研究者現場透過螢幕投影觀察受試者的準備過程,並以HyperCam程式錄製。受試者準備完成後,接受半結構式訪談,說明準備策略與關鍵決策點。研究結果顯示,在時間壓力之下,三組受試者所著重的準備重點不同(如偏重語言或是知識習得),其中專家組由於工作經驗較為豐富,因此較能依經驗判斷限時準備狀況,並以大局為重,而新手或生手則較重視準備資料的細節。研究結果可望供口譯教學者參考,協助口譯學生了解專家如何準備口譯工作,進而精進會議口譯準備技能。
Although conference preparation (CP) has been widely reported to be the foundation for successful interpreting, little is known regarding how interpreters prepare in real-life settings and adapt their preparation strategies to the context. To fill this research gap, the present study analyzed and compared the CP strategies and processes of interpreting novices, intermediates, and experts from the perspective of naturalistic decision making (NDM), a research paradigm for elucidating an expert’s decision-making processes in natural settings with characteristics including time pressure and high stakes. This study adopted observation and interviews as the methods of data collection. Twenty-four participants (ten novices, six intermediates, and eight experts) were asked to prepare for a mock assignment within 30 minutes by using a slide deck. The desktop activity of the participants was recorded by a screen-recording program, HyperCam, for analysis. A semistructured interview was conducted after the participants had prepared. The results indicate that the participants focused on different facets of preparation, which were mainly the language and knowledge facets, when they faced time constraints. Most notably, the experts were better able to assess the characteristics of the context on the basis of their experience, whereas novices focused more on microcontextual details. By connecting NDM with CP, the present study offers an exploratory description of CP in time-pressure situations, yields insights into how experts master preparation, and offers suggestions on how trainees can attain CP expertise.
起訖頁 173-220
關鍵詞 會議口譯準備自然決策專技研究口譯教學conference preparationnaturalistic decision makingexpertise studiesinterpreter training
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202303 (16:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 《金瓶梅》中的晚明文化表徵及其英譯策略之探析




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