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Analysis on ASEAN’s Response to the US-China Competition: Economic Interdependence and Hedging Strategy
作者 鄧克禮
Following its rise to prominence, China has proposed its Belt and Road initiative to expand its economic influence, garnering widespread attention. The US has also pivoted its foreign policy focus back to Asia, raising various proposals such as as its Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Indo‑Pacific Economic Framework. In Southeast Asia, the US has established a clear presence to counter China’s influence. As part of its trade war against China, and in order to achieve its goal of shifting manufacturing to the US, the United States has recently proposed a “supply chain alliance” targeting chips and other major strategic products, establishing a supply chain with no reliance on China. Various industries have partly moved out of China, with many turning toward doing business in Southeast Asia. This would positively influence the development of Southeast Asian countries. This text analyzes how ASEAN countries have responded to these actions from the perspective of interdependence theory and hedging strategy. As ASEAN countries have in the past not fully sided with any other international power and have a tradition of practicing equidistant diplomacy, they consider their own national interests by focusing on the ASEAN region. Thus, despite this competition between the two major international powers, ASEAN countries will nevertheless seek to independently navigate the US and China's influence. ASEAN countries will turn this competition between the two powers to their own advantage in order to benefit their own national development.
起訖頁 22-49
關鍵詞 東南亞互賴理論避險戰略一帶一路倡議供應鏈聯盟Southeast AsiaInterdependence TheoryHedging StrategyBelt and Road InitiativeSupply Chain Alliance
刊名 展望與探索  
期數 202303 (21:3期)
出版單位 法務部調查局
該期刊-上一篇 從美國增加菲律賓軍事基地使用權觀察對中國大陸圍堵策略之基石與北京對外經濟戰略之侷限
該期刊-下一篇 中國大陸面對「上海合作組織」擴員的利弊分析




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