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A Preliminary Study on Participation Barriers of Intercultural and Intergenerational Co-Learning between Foreign Students and Senior Citizens
作者 黃雅英
本研究透過國內外文獻的分析,綜整影響大學國際生與樂齡長者跨文化代間共學的參與阻礙。研究發現,成人教育與跨文化交流的共同阻礙在情境制度方面的因素為:經費、課程難度、 缺乏課程資訊等。雙方共同的主要障礙在於意向障礙類的文化因素,包含人員的背景關係與文化刻板印象、人格特質與跨文化焦慮、語言能力與自信、還有外籍生來台的跨文化適應階段等。建議發展跨文化代間共學課程時,衡量適合長者的時間、地點、主題,在語言和修課規範上則可多考量外籍生的中文程度以調整任務難度,並於課前規劃跨文化溝通的講座與工作坊,提升雙方的跨文化知能、增進彼此的了解,以降低跨文化參與焦慮與阻礙。
In this study, we use content analysis to collect literatures as well as to explore intercultural intergenerational learning and Intercultural communication barrier between senior citizens and international students. This study found that the common factors of situational and institutional barriers to adult education and intercultural communication are financial, course difficulty level, lack of information, etc. The main common barriers for both parties in psychological or dispositional such as cultural stereotypes, personality traits, intercultural anxiety, and language ability, etc. It is suggested that the development of intercultural and intergenerational learning courses can examine the main barriers between senior citizens and international students. For time and place concerning, mainly based on senior citizens. In terms of language and course difficulty level, more consideration can be given to the foreign students to adjust the difficulty of the task. Some lectures regarding intercultural communication be holding before the courses may reduce anxiety and barriers to both parties.
起訖頁 137-161
關鍵詞 代間共學國際生參與障礙跨文化樂齡interculturalintercultural communication barrierintergenerational learninginternational studentsenior citizens
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202301 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 大學生的社會情緒能力現況分析:以北臺灣一所公立大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 十二年國教課程綱要研修與審議協作模式之建構




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