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The Founder for a New Milestone of Educational Philosophy Research in Taiwan: Professor Oscar Jiaw Ouyang’s Academic Innovation and Contribution
作者 林永豐 (Yung-Feng Lin)
歐陽教教授,字育之,自 1969 年返國後任教於臺灣省立師範大學,至 2003年從國立臺灣師範大學退休,服務長達 35 年。而其學術生涯更早從其求學時代已萌芽,至退休之後也仍持續,專長的學術研究領域以教育哲學、道德哲學與教育為著,備受當代推崇,堪稱一代鴻儒。歐陽教教授是位受業於師範、服務於師範、貢獻於師範的教育人。先生以其多年來在教育學術領域的投入,累積並淬練出的學術成果厚實且影響深遠,主要展現在其引介英國第一手教育哲學的研究趨勢與發展、開創教育哲學研究的新方法與趨勢、奠定德育原理與實際的學術基礎、與培育教育學術研究的重要人才。這樣的學術成就,不僅為我國教育哲學研究開創了重要的新里程碑,更為教育學術的整體發展,有其不可忽視的卓越的貢獻。2023 年,歐陽教教授榮獲「臺灣教育研究院社」頒贈的首屆「教育研究終身成就獎」,進一步肯定了先生於教育學術研究的卓越成就,及其對教育學術研究發展的重要貢獻。
Professor Oscar Jiaw Ouyang started his academic career from Provincial Normal University of Taiwan in 1969 to his retire from National Taiwan Normal University in 2003. In addition to this formal career mentioned above, his academic career could be seen as even longer including his study as research student and his continuing academic investigation after his retirement. His academic specialist focus mainly on educational philosophy and moral education and his contribution have been widely recognized. Four most significant contributions of Professor Ouyang could be highlighted as follows: introducing the first-hand academic development in the UK; initiating new approach of methodology for educational philosophy research; developing new trends of both theoretical and practical research for moral education; and, finally, inspiring many key academics for education research in the following decades. In summary, Professor Ouyang have made so influential contribution for education philosophy and moral education in particular, and for educational research in general. In 2023, Professor Ouyang is granted with the first Educational Research Lifetime Achievement Award by Institute of Taiwan Education. It is further recognized that his incredible academic achievement and the contribution to the development of educational academic research.
起訖頁 15-24
關鍵詞 教育哲學道德教育學術傳記educational philosophymoral educationacademic biography
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202301 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣教育改革的開創者與領航者:郭為藩教授的立德立功立言
該期刊-下一篇 國內教改運動中官方與民間團體推動教學方法實踐之遞嬗分析




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