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A Preliminary Study on Mandarin-Hakka neural machine translation using small-sized data
作者 Yi-Hsiang HungYi-Chin Huang (Yi-Chin Huang)
In this study, we implemented a machine translation system using the Convolutional Neural Network with Attention mechanism for translating Mandarin to Sixan-accent Hakka. Specifically, to cope with the different idioms or terms used between Northern and Southern Sixan-accent, we analyzed the corpus differences and lexicon definition, and then separated the various word usages for training exclusive models for each accent. Besides, since the collected Hakka corpora are relatively limited, the unseen words frequently occurred during real-world translation. In our system, we selected suitable thresholds for each model based on the model verification to reject non-suitable translated words. Then, by applying the proposed algorithm, which adopted the forced Hakka idioms/terms segmentation and the common Mandarin word substitution, the resultant translation sentences become more intelligible. Therefore, the proposed system achieved promising results using small-sized data. This system could be used for Hakka language teaching and also the front-end of Mandarin and Hakka code-switching speech synthesis systems.
起訖頁 307-315
關鍵詞 神經機器翻譯中文翻譯客文南北四縣腔Neural Machine TranslationMandarin to Hakka translationNorthern/ Southern Sixian-accent
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 基於常識知識的移情對話回覆生成
該期刊-下一篇 基於Transformer的生醫輕量化命名實體識別系統




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