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Improving Response Diversity through Commonsense-Aware Empathetic Response Generation
作者 Tzu-Hsien HuangChia-Hui Chang (Chia-Hui Chang)
本篇論文著重在移情對話生成任務上。先前研究關於移情對話生成的方法(Majumderet al., 2020b; Lin et al., 2019)主要集中在檢測和利用用戶的情緒來產生移情反應。本研究將使用額外的常識知識圖譜做為機器人對常識性的背景知識。我們針對非預訓練和預訓練模型各使用不同的方式增強多樣性,在非預訓練模型上我們將AdaLabel(Wang et al., 2021)應用在CEM模型(Sabour et al., 2022)上,而對於預訓練模型我們使用BART模型結合多種常識知識讓模型能生成更有資訊的移情回應。研究結果顯示所提出的模型在EMPATHETICDIALOGUES和DailyDialog資料集上都優於基線模型,並且在個案研究中可以看到模型產生更多信息和同理心的回應。
Due to the lack of conversation practice;the main challenge for the second-language learners is speaking. Our goal is to develop a chatbot to encourage individuals to reflect;describe;analyse and communicate what they read as well as improve students’English expression skills. In this paper;we exploit COMMET;an inferential commonsense knowledge generator;as the background knowledge to improve the generation diversity. We consider two approaches to increase the diversity of empathetic response generation. For nonpretrained models;We apply AdaLabel (Wang et al.;2021) to Commonsense-aware Empathetic model (Sabour et al.;2022) and improve Distinct-2 score from 2.99 to 4.08 on EMPATHETIC DIALOGUES (ED). Furthermore;we augment the pretrained BART model with various commonsense knowledge to generate more informative empathetic responses. Not only has the automatic evaluation of distinct-2 scores improved from 9.11 to 11.21;but the manual case study also shows that CE-BART significantly outperform CEM-AdaLabel.
起訖頁 299-306
關鍵詞 移情對話回應生成知識感知回應生成回應多樣性Empathetic response generationCommonsense aware response generationresponse diversity
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 202212 (2022期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用自動資訊擷取於故事書問答生成之研究
該期刊-下一篇 運用少量語料於漢字轉客文字之類神經機器翻譯系統初步探討




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