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Current Observation and Prospect on Taiwan’s Code of Ethics for Arbitrators
作者 郭羿伶
The Code of Ethics for Arbitrators was authorized for each individual institution to frame their own rules under the “Regulation Governing Organization, Mediation Procedures and Fees of Arbitration Institution” ever since its revision in 1999, and has not been amended for over 22 years. The Code of Ethics can be categorized as rules that specifically regulates arbitrators and rules that regulates others. Those which regulates arbitrators can be further observe in a narrow, broad and broadest sense. In assessing the variety rules concerning the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators, despite equivalency in their context, the normative hierarchy of its sources still exist in the form of self-disciplinary nature. In optimizing the credibility and integrity of arbitration system, while also improving its international competitiveness, this article suggests that the current adoption of these rules should reference those of “Ethical Regulation of Attorneys”, which delegates its authority through legislation rather than self-discipline. Furthermore, creating a focal point of public notification platform to properly inform all arbitrating institutions for any violation of the code of ethics. This move allows all arbitrating institutions to be well informed in case of any violations of ethical code, unseating unfit arbitrators, and enhance their awareness in complying with ethical standards.
起訖頁 55-73
關鍵詞 仲裁人倫理規範仲裁倫理倫理規範Code of Ethics for ArbitratorsEthical Rules for ArbitratorsEthic NormsEthic Rules
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202103 (4:1期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 由資本制論公司同數額減增資與員工認股權憑證發行予非員工之效力




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