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Exploring the Antecedents and Effects of Taiwanese Users’Adoption of AI Technologies
作者 吳泰毅鄧玉羚
近年來人工智慧逐漸出現在台灣民眾的日常生活中,而且產品與服務日益多元。本研究結合創新傳布與調節焦點理論,比較不同使用者特質的民眾(先驅者、猶豫者、跟風者及觀望者)對 AI 科技所具備相對優勢的觀感差異,進而對整體採用經驗的影響。同時,也將四項 AI 產品與服務的擬人化程度,再區分為低擬人型(智慧手環/手表、AI 金融軟體)和高擬人型(數位語音助理、聊天機器人),以媒介等同論為基礎,進一步檢視民眾採用此兩類型 AI 科技的經驗與其 AI 信任感之間的關聯性。研究以 2022 年台灣網路調查報告資料(N = 1,725)為數據,結果顯示,先驅者最看好 AI 科技相比傳統人力服務所具有的相對優勢,而民眾愈看好 AI 所具備的相對優勢,整體 AI 產品與服務也採用愈多。不過,民眾愈有採用高擬人型 AI 的經驗,對AI 的信任感愈高,但是對低擬人型的 AI 愈具採用經驗,則與信任感無顯著相關。研究結果一方面可擴充上述經典理論在新興科技採用議題上的適用性,另一方面亦有助於 AI 科技在市場推廣及相關政策制定時參考。
This study integrates diffusion of innovations, regulatory focus theory, the media equation, and the tenets of anthropomorphism as research framework to understand Taiwanese users’ adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. In addition, the relationships between user adoption of lower (smart wearables and AI financial software) and higher (digital assistants and chatbots) anthropomorphic AI technologies and their level of AI trust are investigated. Drawing upon the 2022 Taiwan Internet Survey database (N = 1,725), the results indicated that the “pioneer”—compared to the “hesitator,” “bandwagoner,” and “fence-sitter”—reported the highest level of perceived AI relative advantage, which in turn promoted their adoption of both the lower and higher anthropomorphic AI technologies. Yet, only adopting higher anthropomorphic AI services and products demonstrated a significantly positive effect on AI trust. The findings help elucidate the resemblance between interpersonal communication and human-machine interaction, drawing implications to marketers and policy makers in promoting the use of AI technologies.
起訖頁 97-127
關鍵詞 AI信任感人工智慧創新傳布媒介等同論調節焦點理論擬人化AI trustartificial intelligencediffusion of innovationsthe media equationregulatory focus theoryanthropomorphism
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 202301 (44期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從「韓粉出征,寸草不生」現象論庶民對抗型公共領域的再現
該期刊-下一篇 從區位理論探討線上遊戲與行動遊戲之競爭――由消費者角度分析




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