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The Triangulate Power Structure Between State, Internet Service Providers, and Their Consumers in China: Debates and Interpretations through Digital Switzerland Theory
作者 林昕璇左宜恩
中國在2021年揭開網路監管的新紀元,業於2021年11月1日起生效的《個人信息保護法》及2021年9月1日起生效的《關鍵信息基礎設施安全保護條例》,為中國近年來倡議「數位主權」(Internet Sovereignty)的「資料在地化」(Data Localization)等政策「奠定法制化的基石」。中國官方近年以法令監管作為政策工具,競逐資通場域的壟斷力量,公部門對境內科技業者的管制密度漸增。中國秉持數位威權主義(digital authoritarianism)的一貫立場,遞進地形構出一個迥異於西方民主國家保護個人資訊和隱私的監管框架,發展出「國家-個人用戶-網路服務業者」多重向度的權力結構,並根據三者間的合作競爭關係,呈現出一種既抗衡又合作的弔詭現象,殊值探究。
本文檢證中國大陸近年對大型資訊服務提供業者和平臺服務的法律監管體系,探究中國大陸如何以法令作為鞏固國家優越地位的政策工具,協助公權力控管資通場域。本文續而援引國際法學者Kristen Eichensehr針對「數位瑞士理論」的學理辯證於中共網路治理,將國家、網路服務中介者與個人用戶三者交錯產生的權力不對稱或戰略三角的互動模式,對照當前中國實施諸多網路治理的措施作為,檢視國家、大型網路平臺與個人用戶所牽動之三角關係轉變,最後提出結論。
The Personal Information Protection Law and Regulation on Protecting the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure in 2021 manifest the new era of internet monitoring in China. These law regulations have laid foundations for Chinese government’s internet sovereignty and data localization policies to mark China’s legal attempt to monopolize data technologies and to regulate their providers as well, for consolidating the regime’s stability and social control. In fact, China’s ambition to craft its technology governance model is not only reflected in its strong hold over domestic technology enterprises, but also can be observed through its coopetition with both domestic and foreign data service providers and platforms.
China’s regulatory framework of digital authoritarianism is gradually constructing a set of values, distinct from their counterparts in the Western democracies that seek to protect personal privacy in contrast. The coopetition relationships within the“state-personal users-service providers”triangulate power structure can be discovered to manifest the characteristic of cyber-governance in modern China. This article attempts to find out how China government strengthens its superior position through law regulation and policies to monitor information sphere. To illuminate China’s digital authoritarianism, this article then introduces Kristen Eichensehr’s theoretical approach of Digital Switzerland to the study of CCP’s cyber-governance. This approach highlights the power asymmetry, particularly the triangulate strategic interaction model, between the state, internet intermediaries, and their users. Through the lens of Digital Switzerland, we aim to unpack China’s digital authoritarianism and its instruments for cyber-governance by contextualizing the development of the trilateral relations between the three actors.
起訖頁 45-79
關鍵詞 數位威權主義網路服務中介者數位瑞士資料在地化Digital AuthoritarianismInternet IntermediariesDigital SwitzerlandsData Localization
刊名 中國大陸研究  
期數 202212 (65:4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 迎合、敷衍、議價與對抗:中國大陸新能源汽車政策中的央地互動
該期刊-下一篇 科技治理模式對新冠肺炎疫苗研發的影響:舉國體制與公私混合模式的比較




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