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Different Models of Familism? A Preliminary Study Comparison Family-Friendly Policies Between Taiwan and Macao
作者 利澤銘古允文
The aim of this study was to sort out the situation of family policies in Taiwan and Macao. The study compared family-friendly policies between Taiwan and Macao and preliminarily analyzed and demonstrated the concept of familialization and types of familialism. The study also explored the impact of familialism on childcare burdens and gender roles, in addition to discussing the development of familialism in Taiwan and Macao. The results revealed a stronger degree of money familialization policies in Taiwan than in Macao and a weaker degree of labor defamiliarization in Taiwan than in Macao. The degree of time familialization and money defamilialization did not differ significantly, which supports the concept of ''Explicit Familialism.'' The degree of labor defamiliarization in Macao's policies was noted to be stronger than that in Taiwan, and the degree of money familialization in Macao was determined to be slightly weaker than that in Taiwan, indicating ''Hybrid Familialism-Defamilialism.'' Moreover, the study demonstrated the influence of familialism on the division of gender roles in care responsibilities in Taiwan and Macao. Women in both Taiwan and Macao have yet to be free from their care responsibilities. Taiwan adopts policies on family care responsibilities from an institutional development standpoint, whereas Macao gradually adopts policies on family care responsibilities from an economic and industrial standpoint.
起訖頁 45-93
關鍵詞 友善家庭政策家庭化家庭主義澳門臺灣Family-Friendly PolicyFamilializationFamilismMacaoTaiwan
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202212 (18:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 轉化或重構:國民年金保險制度調整之研究
該期刊-下一篇 養護機構實施飲食、懷舊健康促進團體對高齡住民社會心理健康意義之初探性研究




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